How about 50 to 100 feet above ground
at over 500 mph over enemy territory?

Just a typical day for pilots flying reconnaissance missions during the Vietnam war in RF-101 jets. Still too ho-hum? Imagine that your plane had no defensive weapons, no autopilot, and no radar. To add to the thrill, when approaching surveillance targets, Air Force pilots had to “pop-up” to about 18,000 feet to get the right angle for photographs - in just 40 seconds.

It took a year to coax stories like these out of Retired Major Edward M. Greer, but now his daughter, LK Greer, shares them with the public: especially the lighter side of his life as a USAF pilot and beyond...

"Never Fly a Broken Plane" is not focused on heart-wrenching stories of war, but a volume in a lighter mood: anecdotes told as if you were sitting around the kitchen table.

Documenting Major Greer's life is like explaining how “a funny thing happened on the way to the office” -- except his office was a cockpit, and his jobs included being a reconnaissance pilot, a test pilot, and flying in Alaska during the Cold War.

Through these pages, which read like tall tales, you'll meet a man who is humble, has a wicked sense of humor, and is a true optimist...
...and who also happened to be an incredible, fearless military jet pilot.

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About the Book...

Why does one write about the life of a person who isn’t famous, an athlete or wealthy? To illustrate one of many wonderful and interesting lives each of us can live. And to share a life well-lived, filled with humor and adventure.

The stories in Never Fly a Broken Plane examine who we were with levity and brevity, and help guide us in who we can become. Lives of ordinary humans are filled with moments worth sharing. Such is the life of my Pop, Retired USAF pilot, Ed Greer. These stories exemplify the importance of staying calm under pressure, using humor to keep your mind focused, and embracing what is important in life.

Besides, Major Greer’s life stories are amusing -- at least after the fact.

Originally, I wrote about my Pop, Major Edward M. Greer, to capture his stories for future generations of our family. But as the writing came to a close, I decided to share a handful of his adventures with a wider audience. Yes, if you have an interest in flying, this might be the book for you. But Pop’s tales also play to a wider audience. What was it like to just fall into a career, fly planes without high technology, and transition from the dream job to a whole new world?

Enjoy reading about flying...survival schools...and everyday antics in the life of Retired USAF pilot Ed Greer.

About the Author...

Authors are always asked to reveal something about themselves. But as a recruiter, I discovered many people don't excel at answering questions about themselves — and being shy, neither do I! Other than being the daughter of Major Greer, I have no connection to the Air Force or flying. Heck, I don’t even tell a good joke.

So who is LK? Mom calls my father an enigma.
I, on the other hand, am more of an oxymoron.

  • Over educated and under specialized
  • Intellectually curious while amused with a simple life
  • Compassionate rebel with a strong sense of justice
  • Strong advocate, but loyal friend
  • Imaginative, creative, analytical
  • Nature admirer with no interest in camping
  • Cynic who is often in awe of His creation and miracles.

As for writing, having spent a lifetime reading, researching, and writing, I’m better than average. My style is clear and concise. The stories are my father's. My job is to give a framework and context.

To read more LK musings on a variety of topics, or to catch a glimpse of a few books and articles I find interesting, visit

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What People Are Saying...

“LK's writing is infused with wit, whimsy, and charm that captivate readers. Despite Ed being her stepfather, his influence is evident in helping to shape LK's personality. This intriguing page-turner is a must-read for multiple generations, offering a delightful portrayal of the adventures and camaraderie among our nation's military members. Pop's life was filled with gripping close calls and serendipitous events, making it a compelling read.”

SSG Douglas M. Ducote, Sr., U.S. Army (Retired)

“Throughout this book, it is clear that Major Greer was an accomplished leader in the military, but he always placed the mission first and never sought out any personal accolades. His story exemplifies the generation of soldiers who led by example and propelled our country to a better and safer place.”

Nick Alexander, U.S. Army Special Forces (Retired)

“What I couldn't help thinking as I read this book was that Ed Greer was the right man at the right time for the right job. His adventures are told through a series of insightful and often humorous anecdotes. And while the book doesn't gloss over the seriousness of his role as a fighter pilot during war time, it doesn't dwell on the darker aspects of it either. It is ultimately a fun read about a very interesting man, who just happened to have a job that put him in uncomfortably close proximity to danger.”

Jim Lancaster

“Thank you, LK for writing this fun, inspiring book. I had no idea how much there was still to know about Major Ed Greer. He did tell me some short stories when I was working for him but those only barely scratched the surface. I’ve only known Ed an LeAnn for a short time, but it was always fun, never sober. With all the stuff “ed” has seen and heard, he’s a true example of how to embrace life and not dwell on the bad parts.”


“To know Ed and LeAnn Greer is to admire them. As I read this book, I’d find myself saying that sounds like Ed. Ed can honestly say he’s had a life well lived.”

Ernie Thompson, friend and neighbor

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